Friday, May 21, 2010


Ok, so this has been one of the CRAZIEST weeks I have had in a VERY long time... If you are close to me, you know what is going on... If not - I will tell you soon enough - just trying to get it all sorted out!! (And for those of you who know mine and Wes's history - we are not splitting up! haha)

So anyway - just say a prayer for me that everything "works out" and that SOMETHING good will come out of all this...

And to those of you helping me with everything, you ROCK! I couldn't go through the days without great friends and a wonderful family. It means the world to me.

Now on to more important topics - OMG - did you watch Grey's last night??? WTH? Best episode EVER - by FAR! When he shot Reid in the head (before the first commercial even came on) I jumped so high and then immediately teared up... Pins and needles for 2 hours!!! Can not wait until next season. Who all died? Reid, Charles Percy, a security guard, maybe some other nurses? I can't really remember... And you know - it never really shows Derek at the end... Looks like Kerev is gonna make it and Hunt also. But you would think SOMEONE else is gonna die at the beginning of next season. Who will it be? And will Weber become cheif again? OMG - so much to ponder over the next few months. SO sad that Meridith lost the baby... But Arizona and Calli are gonna have 10 - maybe they could give her one! haha (and I hate to say this - but I wish they would have killed Hunt off - can't STAND HIM!) Sorry - small emotional outburst.. I'm better. :)

On a positive note - it's Friday people!!! Let's do this!

Have a very happy weekend and try to spend it doing something that matters with the people you love the most.



  1. Can't wait to catch up with ya!

    About Grey's. I've never watched it, but last night's show seems to have been VERY popular and VERY good. Guess I'll have to rent all the dvds and catch up, just for that ONE episode. lmao!!

  2. You should... It's truly a great show!!! :) So glad you read my blog!! :) I follow you, ya know! :)

  3. OMG... Grey's was awesome! How can you hate Hunt???? Love him!!!!

    On a side note, you are an amazing person and whatever obstacle is in your way, you will be fine! I love you very much! (Glad to know its not you and Wes LOL) JK ;P
