Monday, May 24, 2010


First of all - hope you all had a FABULOUS weekend... :)

Mine - yeah - not so much! lol Instead of all the yucky - let's talk about the high points!

Friday night, in the midst of all my craziness, we had dinner with Allison and Jerod... As always, we had a great time and we had PLENTY to talk about... (although we seem to all be "stuck" on a certain topic these days - we will call that subject "Crazy Cooky Random Caca") Cotton Patch was great as always... Missed Avery being there though!!

Saturday was a HARD day, but the good part was that my parents came over for a while and my friend Brandi also... I gave Brandi her cross that I made and she LOVED it!! (sorry the pic is so fuzzy, but my phone is a peice) I hope she enjoys that cross as much as I enjoyed making it for her!

So Saturday afternoon, we stopped by Brandi's for a minute and I say her beautiful bathroom (where she displayed this cross along with her new zebra print shower curtain - LOVE IT!!!) Big John and Linda, Debbie and Mike, and Eric and Cambrynn were there so I got to visit with them for a bit... It was a nice time and the cake that Linda brought - GEEEEZ - It was amazing!!!

We didn't stay long at Brandi's because we had a very special little boy to go visit who was turning 6 years old! Yep - Brodie Mack Hugghins is growing up! He wanted a hot-dog roasting, smore making kind of party and that is just what he got... The smores were yummy! And after the soaking that we all got from the 5 new WATERGUNS that B-Mack got as presents, it was getting a little late and the sleepiness set in!! (Sorry we left so early Kia, but I just couldn't keep my eyes open!)

Sunday - well Sunday is actually a fuzzy blurry mess for me... After doing waaaay too much on Saturday, my back was killing me so I spent the majority of the day on the couch watching Hoarders!! (back to Hoarders in a few minutes - gag) I did however make a yummy pot of Tortilla Soup and MAN was it goooood! It was just what I needed to end a long and stressful weekend. :) Well, the late conversation with Allison made me laugh and got my mind off of my issues for a little while also, so that was good medication for the soul! Thanks Alli!!!

All-in-all, as stressful as the weekend was, it was productive and I still managed to squeeze in time with friends and family - so I couldn't really ask for more!

Thanks to all that have and are helping me!!! And thanks to Wes especially... He never stops, even when he wants to and is so tired... He NEVER stops. I am lucky (99% of the time) haha

So - back to Hoarders - um... REALLY? People live like that? Really?!?!?!?! Ok, I get that SOME of those people have mental issues and that compulsive hoarding is really a disease, but I have concluded (in my expert opinion) that some of them are simply NASTY and LAZY people who don't wanna clean up thier house. I mean, when your house is full of "stuff", that is one thing - But 2 of the 4 episodes that I watched - these people has nothing but TRASH in thier house... (and LOTS of mice) So gross. Makes me wanna throw everything I own out and start over just so I can clean!!!

Off my rant now... Hope everyone has a great Monday! :)

Until next time - be safe and spend time doing things you love with those you love...

Oh yeah - Baseball game tonight! Go Jason and Go Cardinals!!! (Love getting to watch him play)


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